Let your body help connect and anchor you into Quantum Love

There are 72,000 energy channels within the body. Energy is life. The body is very clear that it wants to live. Hold your breath and it becomes obvious. 

Yet, we don’t usually trust the messages our body sends us and often see it as our enemy, especially if it’s pain. This is exactly when we should turn inward and ask the body what messages it holds for us that we’re not quite understanding. 

The body is miraculous. It knows exactly what it requires and is amazing at offering us that information. With deep love and a willingness to know, you will learn how to connect with your body, hear and take action on its messages with confidence and appreciation for its role as our perfect vehicles while having a physical life. 

Through the technique of opening and balancing your energy centers (chakras), This session will anchor healing within your body to clear the way for your Source wisdom.